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1. Navigate to using Google Chrome on your Android device.

2. Open the settings menu in the top right, which should look like 3 little dots

3. Tap ‘Add to Home Screen’ and then tap add.

4. Launch the app via your mobile device!


1. Navigate to using Safari on your iOS device.

2. Then tap the ‘Share’ button, scroll down and tap ‘Add to Home Screen’.

3. Enter the name for the app then tap add.

4. The app will show up on your home screen like a native iOS app.

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AAK Foodservice and our brands' resources

This resources section contains a wide range of additional information for our wholesaler customers about all of our AAK Foodservice brands including: Lion, Whirl, Prep, Uncle John’s, AVR60, Prep Premium, Cuisine Naturelle and Rowallan.

If you would like access to pack shots, marketing materials, brochures and advertisements, please sign in or create an account.